Monday, September 13, 2010


Cami sucks her high chair! She gets a kick out of sucking
the spilled oatmeal off her highchair tray!

Messy Baby enjoying her dinner.

Cami is sitting up now! Yeah! She also gets herself up on hands and knees and rocks herself back and forth. She will be crawling in no time (I don't think I am ready for that). I am sure this one will keep us on our toes. She has already rolled herself out of her swing, nearly out of her bouncy seat and rolled herself across the floor to the fire gate and tried to pull it down on herself. Yup, she is a busy one!

So, the nickname that has stuck has been "The CAMSTER!"
Now we have Peanut (Kaylynn), Zilla (Jeremie), Super Kal (Kalli), and Camster (Cami).
Our kids will thank us when they are older.

Super Cami! Baby by day, masked super-hero by night!

Cami LOVES to suck on her toes. She is the only one out of all the children that has done this.
I find her all the time with her toes in her mouth.

Here she has her foot right up near her mouth trying to put
both foot and hand in her mouth at the same time.

Cami is such an easy baby. She puts herself to sleep often.
She just fusses for a bit then falls asleep where ever she is.

Jeremie the Photographer

Jeremie absolutely LOVES to take pictures...and has followed his daddy's interest in taking pictures of his own face in weird positions. So here are a few of his most recent photos!

Well, it has been too long since I have updated this thing. So, here goes. I am going to just journal a bit then post pictures rather than try to organize it all. Summer flew by and I hardly know what happened. We had a teen living with us for 6 weeks which turned out to be more challenging than we expected, but God gave us grace for that season. We continue to pray for her and invest in her life and trust the Lord to continue to do a good work in her life!
Kalli turned 3, Jeremie turned 5, Auntie Dana came to visit, and I took a trip back to Washington to a family reunion. My dad just found out that he had a sister that he never knew about. WILD! So I met another aunt, uncle, and more cousins. My aunt looks just like my grandmother did! When I got home we took a week to get away to this wonderful little camp. Dunn's Camps is run by a wonderful woman who loves the Lord and uses the camp as a ministry. The cabins are rented for next to nothing for those in ministry to have a place to retreat. We did the camp fire, played games, walked on the beach, canoed, swam in the lake, and enjoyed time away from the phone and the computer. Working with teens is what we enjoy doing but sometimes it is so heart wrenching and we got to a point that we were getting phone calls every day about various teens at the teen center with their brokenness. Many of us could not even live one day in their lives. We needed time to be just us as a family, and we enjoyed it!
Other than that, we have been working on the chicken coop and getting things around here ready for winter. My garden did so much better this year than last year. I even planted a fall crop and am waiting to harvest that!

Ahhh....the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.
You will forever be one of my most favorite sites!

The four of us kids!

The Paddle boats at Silver Beach!

The Bandits in our ultimate Squirt Gun Fight
at the reunion. Not a soul was left dry!

Cami sleeping in a laundry basket at Aunt Angie's.

A ride on Will's motorcycle.

My older Girls growing up!

Enjoying a BBQ at the lake right around the corner from us.


Kalli being all shy at her third birthday.

half heartily blowing out the candles.


Lovely Auntie Dana comes to visit!

Cami LOVES Ray Bans!

Best part about being a mom: PLAYING!!!

Kaylynn enjoyed softball this year.

Graduation. We will miss so many of you graduates!
Here is pictured Tricia in the center of many loving teen center folks.

Kaylynn with two of her very good friends at ballet.
She did "Sunrise in the Jungle" this past year
and was an Orangutan in the recital.