Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crawling already?

So Cami is crawling! AND pulling herself up on furniture AND falling down numerous times a day. Poor girl....fourth baby and I just can't catch her fast enough. She is a sturdy girl! She kind of does a lazy crawl by pulling her left leg behind her rather than actually making it "crawl," but she gets around.


We finally got Kalli a kitten for her birthday. She has been asking for one for months. I never thought I would be one to blog about a cat, but here I am, and we LOVE him. We adopted him from the shelter....and when Kalli walked up to his cage, he smelled her hand then did a backflip. So we took him home. He is so tolerant. He is very gentle with Cami and puts up with Kalli. She calls him her "little Honey Bunny," and says things like, "don't worry honey bunny, mommy is home now." It is way too super cute! Plus, he falls asleep in the most peculiar places and positions. Jeremie named him, and Rodeo is a very fitting name. He purrs so loudly (and I am not being partial...everyone who meets him says the same). I even lost him one day (well...turns out Kalli stuffed him in a drawer because "he wanted to be in there.") and found him not because he was meowing but because he was purring so loudly!


The many faces of Cami.

Bath Time

One day I caught the kids carrying buckets of water from the bathroom through the house and out the front door. So, I grabbed the camera, and this is what I found. When asked what they were doing, they said, "we are bathing like back then times." Priceless!

All American

The most All American treat I can think of: twinkies. Yes, the kids had their very first this summer on a camping trip. As a general rule, we do not eat "food" that can be stored for half a century and still be considered "good," but almost anything goes on camping trips so Alan got these for the kids. I did have one, and it was disappointing. They do not taste nearly as good as they did when I was a kid.


We were fortunate to take a week at Dunn's Camps this summer. For those of you not from the area, Dunn's was established many years ago as a camp for those in ministry and their families. The gal that runs it now has kept to that same vision and is a wonderful hostess. We enjoyed exploring, camp fires, canoeing, playing in the water, building sand castles, sleeping in a cabin, and getting to know various other families (all of which have been going to Dunn's every year for the past 20 or so years). What a treat. The teen center has since adopted a cabin, and we spend time working to restore the cabin and in exchange the teen center can use the cabin for events anytime from October until March. What a blessing!

Looking back

As we come into winter, I feel the need to look back on our summer fun and finally blog it all!!!! Besides, I really need to remember the warmth of summer as the woodstove is burning downstairs and the wind is blowing outside. We took the older two to Funtown/Splashtown this summer which is a water park and a theme park. We all had a blast and cannot wait to go again next year. A little prep for our Disney trip this January!