Creativity rises up in all of us in various forms, but if you are a mom sometimes it is difficult to make time for, or nurture, that creativity. Projects may be left half done because a little one falls down or needs help combing her doll's hair. Projects may be left in your mind because there simply isn't time to think them all the way it for a rainy day kind of thing. Whatever kind of mom we are (stay at home, work part time or full time, homeschooling or not), we all value creativity. We all do our best to nurture creativity in our children (through imaginative play, crafts, music, dance, or various other activities), but sometimes we forget that it is just as important to nurture our own creativity.
My dear friend, Renee, who blogs over at FIMBY (yes, I have referenced her blog before) has just released her first e-book and the title guessed it....Nurturing Creativity: A Guide for Busy moms! I have loved Renee from the first time I met her and enjoyed getting to know her (and her family) through playdates, dance class, and homechurch gatherings. Since she moved back to Canada (snif, snif), I have kept up with her through her blog and emails. You can imagine my delight when Renee emailed me and told me that she was working on her first e-book and asked me to contribute some of my thoughts about how I make time and space for creativity! I cannot tell you how honored I was! And now I have a copy of her e-book to give away to one of you! This e-book is packed full of great ideas for all kinds of mamas. Here are a few words from Renee (pulled from her blog):
I'm a busy mom too. I manage our home, I cook the meals, I homeschool our kids. I keep things running around here.
But I'm a creative person also. I didn't always believe that I was creative. I thought that was for someone else. Someone more gifted, with more time, more resources. Someone with less adult responsibilities.
Have you ever found yourself thinking the same? That you're not creative (at least not as creative as so and so). That you're too busy, you just don't have the time.
I wrote a little book for you.
The cover of Renee's e-book.
If you don't happen to win this give-way but still want a copy of Renee's e-book, you can purchase it here for only $3.00. It is very affordable and will be worth every cent. Enjoy it, and make some time to be creative! Sometime in the next couple of weeks I will share a little more about what creativity looks like in our home.
If you would like a chance for a free copy of Nurturing Creativity simply leave a comment. Tell me why you like to be creative or how the book may be helpful for you! The give-away will close at 7:00pm Tuesday, March 27th.