Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's Nice to be Known

Mother's Day...why am I always blogging a month after the fact?

 Every year on Mother's day I am blessed by my children's intentional love. I am always given breakfast in bed (made by them so it's usually toast, cold cereal, and a banana), and they treat me like a queen for the day. Alan does too, of course. This year I felt something more, something bigger. It did not come in the form of store bought gifts or flowers or even homemade cards (although there were plenty of those). It was this:

I just found this a couple days ago.On Mother's day I was given royal treatment (really they acted as though I was an invalid). I was not allowed to do anything....no cleaning, no cooking. The kids and Alan took care of everything. This is Kaylynn's handwriting. One week before Mother's Day she wrote out this schedule so as to guarantee that I did not have to do any chores for the day.

They speak my language; the language of sacrificial love. The language of intentional gift giving. Not that I mind doing chores, in fact, I love serving my family in this way. My children took something they know is important to me and gave it back.
I especially like the "get up at five o'clock with dad."

I love getting to know my children, and I love being known by my children. 

What are some ways your children know you?

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