Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer Travels ~ A Sailing We Will Go

We can't take a trip out West without having a day of sailing. My parents own a beautiful Catalina sailboat, and my children look forward to sailing with them each time we go visit. I look forward to the familiarity of the Puget Sound: the sights, the smells, the gentle sound of the water. I do not look forward to the sea sickness and nausea that creeps into my gut.

While my children are running around investigating every inch of the boat, I am firmly planted with my eyes on the horizon. As long as I stay where I can feel the breeze and see where I am going, then the trip is one full of wonder and delight.

As the children grow, they enjoy the boat more. This year, they were all eager to help "prepare" the boat and close it up when we were all done. The older two enjoyed driving for a bit. They are engaged with what goes on on the boat. They are excited to learn boating terms and rules. They are absorbing the experience.

There is something peaceful about the water and the way people interact with one another (at least in the sailing world). This is one of my favorite parts of our vacation.

I think my son sums it up perfectly, "Grandpa Tom, you can never sell your boat. "

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