Friday, July 27, 2012

Nothing Like a Good Book

We read a lot in our house, and summer is no exception (nothing like a good book on a relaxing summer afternoon). Kaylynn has always been an eager reader. She just recently finished Little Women (the unabridged version). Her favorites still tend to be youth biographies (she loves Corrie Ten Boom, Amy Carmichael, Helen Keller, etc) or any other type of Historical Fiction. Jeremie is still in the very beginning stages of reading. He will read very simple stories but has not taken off independently yet. Kalli wants to read so badly but just isn't there, and Cami....well she's 2.
So, this means that I (or daddy or big sister) get to curl up with my kiddos everyday and read. I have 4 children's reading needs to meet which means I need to be intentional about reading. Picture books are a favorite for everyone. All of my children can sit for hours and listen to me read picture books (even my 2 year old). Each child has their favorites, though, that none of the others enjoy so I also get one on one reading time.

Currently, I am reading The Hobbit to Kaylynn. We are enjoying the language, the adventure, and the silliness of Old Bilbo Baggins.I miss so much of what she reads because she is so independent so I make it a priority to find a book that has some challenging vocabulary....something that she would not understand reading on her own. And right now, that book is the Hobbit, and what a alluring story, that I always enjoy returning to.

To Jeremie, we read The Magic Tree House series. He loves these books and will listen to them over and over. The adventure stories of Jack and Annie have often become a springboard for further study. He especially liked Night of the Ninjas, and we spent weeks studying "ancient Ninjas" afterward.

To Kalli, I read Berenstain Bears. She loves Brother Bear, Sister Bear, Cousin Freddy, and Lizzy! She will check out the entire shelf at the library. We have read them over and over. She also enjoys the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" series. We just checked out "If you Give a Dog a Doughnut," and we enjoy following the dog through what he wants until we come full circle to the doughnut again.

Cami  wants me to read the same three books over and over. I remember going through this phase with each one of my older children. I have memorized the books and can "read" them without even looking at the page. I start making up funny voices at this point or trying to find a hidden object on the page to make it more interesting (for me). Her favorites are Good Night Moon (I never grow tired of this one), and "Not Norman: A Goldfish Story.  She has checked it out from the library at least 4 times and has most of it memorized. We return it, and the very next trip to the library, she checks it out again. The librarian has even commented on how much she loves this book.

I am reading Little Men. I finished Little Women (before Kaylynn) just to be sure that the content was okay for her (as I could not remember from high school), and now I have been slowly pushing my way through Little Men. I like it, but not as much as Little Women. I am also reading Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where you Are (this is my 2nd time reading through this book). Sometimes her style of writing is a little too poetic for me, especially when I just want to get to the good stuff.  There are a few sections of the book that I skim through (because I am not looking for poetry). Most of it, though, is packed full of encouragement, inspiration, and has given me opportunity to re-evaluate how I look at life.

One of my (and my kiddos) new all time favorite books, though, is Miss Rumphius. This book is full of beautiful illustrations (my non-readers will pick this one up just to enjoy the pictures) and is simply a delightful story. I never knew what a Lupine was until I moved to Maine. They are beautiful, wild perennials that grow all over Maine. I have seen them on the side of the highway, on rocky hillsides, and in my own backyard. I have grown to love these flowers and wait expectantly every year for them to bloom. I think Miss Rumphius inspired me to adore these beautiful flowers. Miss Rumphius is given a challenge by her grandfather to make the world a more beautiful place. She travels the world doing many different things until she finally realizes what it is she can do to make the world a more beautiful place.

What are some good books you are reading this summer?

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