Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thankful Thursdays ~ A Garden's First Produce

I am intentional about thankfulness. There is joy and beauty in thankfulness. Some days, it is so difficult to "stop and smell the roses." Sometimes we forget to take a deep breath, look around, and give thanks. That is why I am going to share thankfulness with all of you every Thursday. If you feel inspired and want to join in on Thankful Thursdays, please leave a link in the comments so everyone can read about what you are thankful for. If you do not blog, please leave a comment anyway and tell me what you are thankful for right now, this very moment.
 It is easier to live through the ugly when we look for the beauty.
And today, I am thankful for our very first cherry tomato of the season. On the glee, the squealing out loud when I walked out to the garden today. And the children jumping up and down right along with me. The measures I took to eliminate the early blight worked and now we have tomatoes!

**Disclaimer** the idea Thankful Thursdays is not my original idea. I am not sure where I saw it many years ago, but I have been inspired to verbalize my thankful heart more often in order to rid my life of as much negativity as I can. I have found that searching for something to be thankful for leaves no room for negativity....almost like the Pollyanna "Glad" game. I look forward to being inspired by all of you and your thankful thoughts.
Just click on the link below and let's share our thankful hearts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charity,that is such a wonderful idea (even if it wasnt yours). Thank you for sharing. I am thankful for Gods strength today to get me through another run. If it wasnt for him i would have quit. Phil 4:13 :)