Sunday, January 3, 2010

Children's Museum

Out side the museum in front of the beautiful capital....I was torturing them; they were so cold!At the hands on children's museum in downtown Oly!!! Everyone should have a house like this!!! We had a ton of fun playing with Grandma Lynn, Aunt Lacey, and Nathan. We were there all afternoon and could have spent even more time if our bellies weren't rumbling.
Kaylynn is in her element!!! She LOVES dressing up and being on stage.
She performed for us, and Kalli did all the sound effects.

Here's Kalli playing in the moon sand. She said, "take a picture of mine, Mommy." I said, "Kalli, what did you make?" She answered, "a Ferret!!!!" So here is Kalli with her Ferret!!! LOL.

Jeremie and Nathan construction workers!!!

Kalli taking a break on my favorite chairs. Do you think they sell these on Ebay?

Kalli was so angry with the water table because these long pieces would not fit the way she wanted them to. I offered to help her and so did Grandma, but she refused. So, I thought it was funny and had to snap a photo.

All the kids playing in the water table.

More Washington!

We got to spend a couple of nights with good friends Jon and Jolene and their 4 wonderful children!!!!

Here are all the girls dressed up!!! This was their favorite thing to do while we were there.

And here are the boys all dressed up!!!


In November, we took a fantastic trip to the West Coast! The kids and Charity went out two weeks before Alan. The kids were awesome on the plane ride over, and we were blessed with lots of help at all the airports. They even wound up checking our bags for free and giving the kids rides through the airport on the rolling chairs (which was a HUGE blessing because we had 30 minutes to walk over a mile to our next gate). We would never had made it without their help!!! Once in Washington, we were busy busy!!!

Bowling with Uncle Chris, Aunt Lacey, David, Nathan, Aunt Angie, and Grandma Lynn.

Lattins Cider mill with Aunt Angie and Grandma Lynn.

Kaylynn got to sew her very own dress with Grandma Lynn.

Kalli and her buddy, Grandpa Tom.

Kaylynn's 7th Birthday

Kaylynn had MANY birthday parties this year. One with the Johnson family in Maine (we have no pictures because I lost the camera....found it behind the microwave of all places), one with her girlfriends, and one in Washington with the Clay side. LOTS of fun!!! For her party with her girlfriends, she wanted sewing so we made the whole theme about sewing....from the invitations to the cupcakes to the project. It was TONS of fun!!!

The girls with their cupcakes

The girls decorating pin cushion cupcakes.

Playing Musical Chairs.

Sewing "rag" dolls. They turned out really well.

Our table decor...Pin cushion cupcakes with marshmallow spools of thread!!! I had a lot of fun making these. She also had a quilt cake for her party with the family, but I have no pictures of it.

Wood Cutting Party

Right before we left for Washington, we had a crew from the teen center come over and help us split and stack all of our wood!!!! What a blessing. We had good fellowship, good food, and got ALL the wood in. Jeremie and Kaylynn helped the whole day; I think the wheel barrow rides helped. Kalli didn't like the noise so we gave her the ear muffs which she wore like a champ!

We Enjoyed a PumpkinLand field trip again this year. There is always something fun for ALL of us! We especially LOVE the "bowling" slide. We played all day long.