Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kaylynn's 7th Birthday

Kaylynn had MANY birthday parties this year. One with the Johnson family in Maine (we have no pictures because I lost the camera....found it behind the microwave of all places), one with her girlfriends, and one in Washington with the Clay side. LOTS of fun!!! For her party with her girlfriends, she wanted sewing so we made the whole theme about sewing....from the invitations to the cupcakes to the project. It was TONS of fun!!!

The girls with their cupcakes

The girls decorating pin cushion cupcakes.

Playing Musical Chairs.

Sewing "rag" dolls. They turned out really well.

Our table decor...Pin cushion cupcakes with marshmallow spools of thread!!! I had a lot of fun making these. She also had a quilt cake for her party with the family, but I have no pictures of it.

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