Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Winter Fun

The winters in Maine are so incredibly long! But, we find plenty of winter fun activities to fill the snowy, cold, 5-6 months. Sledding parties with friends, snow forts, ice skating, hiking, and playing on the frozen lakes are just a few of our favorites.

Jeremie spent all afternoon digging this hole. He was so excited, and I was so proud of his diligence! It became a the perfect spot for many creative endeavors!!!

We were blessed to have these massive snow forts built for us by a teen center gal! This one was complete with stairs and a slide!

Oh the fun things to do with snow, but I do think I am ready for spring. Yesterday was warm enough to go out without jackets, and we ventured to the road to play with sidewalk chalk. Yes, spring is coming!

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