Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursdays ~ A Best Friend

My dearest friend is my husband, and this week I have had a heart overflowing with thanks for him. He has taught me so much and loved me through even more.

He is humble (the first to apologize in any situation)
He is creative
He lights up when he gets home
He is compassionate
He is thankful
He is encouraging
He loves to have fun

He is spontaneous
He is a servant
He offers me love without judgment
He is wise
He plays
He works hard
He is forgiving
He is a comfort
He allows me the freedom to be myself

He supports my big (and little) dreams
He likes to make movies
He doesn't complain when I leave paint drips on the wall
He is involved in everything around the home
He loves me even after a disagreement
He is patient
He listens and takes the time to understand
He does not accuse
He likes to take pictures of himself
He is an amazing father

He offers grace
He likes to dress up in costumes
He dances with me
He stays up late just to do the dishes
I have a lot to be thankful for. 

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