Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kalli sets the Table

Since Cami came home, the kids have been so helpful...and we have also changed how we do things in our home. We are trying to teach shared responsibility so we now have the kids help plan, prepare, and clean up with each meal. The rule is that no one leaves the kitchen until everything is cleaned up (unless of course they need to go "potty"). They have come up with some great healthy meal options and also LOVE working together to prepare the food and clean up. Kaylynn feels so proud that she is old enough to use real knives to slice veggies, and Jeremie feels proud to be working his way up to that. He gets a kick out of stirring the dinner on the stove (fully assisted by mommy or daddy of course). Kalli also helps out....using butter knives to slice easy things like olives and setting the table. Kalli was very excited to set the table one evening, and this is the cup that Alan wound up with. One from Kaylynn's toy tea set. He used it like a trooper and thanked Kalli for setting the table!

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