Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The beauty of Maine

We have spent so many years traveling back and forth to the West Coast that we have missed out on some of Maine's Spectacular outdoor excitement. This year we have committed to visit every state park, but we are finding that we are also enjoying the state preserves, local hikes, and some the "mountainous" terrain as well. Here are some pictures to enjoy of some of the day trips we have taken by ourselves, with family and friends. We are so blessed to live in an area where there is so much to do outdoors, and now that the weather is warming up, we are enjoying our time outside so much more!!!

Streaked Mountain

Beautiful views from the top of Streaked Mountain (a small mountain about a ten minute drive from our home). This was a very challenging hike for the kids, but it was so fun to see them encourage each other and work together as we climbed up and even when a few of us starting slipping and sliding down!

This beautiful Great Dane met us about halfway up. We have no idea where he came from, but he was a fun guest....well for most of us. Kalli was not too pleased with this Gargantuan animal. And who can blame would be like a horse running up to us and licking us all over.

Riverlands State Park

We enjoyed a long and fun walk/hike with Brian and Louise on Louise's birthday. A new state park....Riverlands. It was so beautiful. There was a lot of old foundations, a little stream to cross, wide open fields, and of course fun times with the family! We hope to go back here in the next few weeks and enjoy it after all the snow is gone. Thanks Brian and Louise for getting outside with us! I especially loved Jeremie's attitude at the end of the hike, which happened to be something like 3-4 miles. He was tired and saying he couldn't possible go on. We shared the verse that we can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives us strength, we prayed together, then instantly off her RAN! I am so thankful for all the miracles in my life.

Greenpoint State Wildlife Preserve
We enjoyed a walk on the coast at a very beautiful wildlife preserve with some great friends. You see Jeremie above on the BEACH (yes, I was so excited to walk on the beach) with one of his little buddies. They have so much fun together playing "hunting." They have matching homemade "hunting rifles" which they use to hunt turkeys, deer, bear, and the occasional dinosaur.

Me and my dear sister in Christ Tamara (squinting into the sun)!

The guys and their walking sticks. These were cool because one of them had been entirely chewed by a Beaver. This was very exciting for all of us!

Kalli with her dear little friend. They are so cute and have lots of fun playing kitchen. Kalli acts as the little mama and wrangles Daisy all the time! Thanks Mark and Tam for a great day and fellowship!!!!

Mt. Apatite
Mt. Apatite is such a fun Rock Quarry to visit. A nice walk for the kids, and we always end up with loads of rocks to learn about when we get home. This trip was full of creatures, including this cute little porcupine that Alan happened upon and some catfish. We even found some Maine Tourmaline!!!

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